The Samsung BlackJack i607 simply looks and feels fantastic. The high speed data in 3G coverage areas is wicked fast and voice quality is excellent. The keyboard is excellent, though the number keys are a bit eccentric. We love the jog wheel and most everything about this phone. The camera takes better than average photos, Bluetooth stereo sounds great and Cingular Video is addictive. 
 (It can take still photos in JPEG format up to 1280 x 960 resolution and supports lesser resolutions)

While several phones have been billed as potential Q-killers this year, the Samsung BlackJack is the only one that actually is a Q killer. Why? It's on even ground for high speed data (Verizon has a larger coverage blanket at the moment but Cingular has better speeds) and like the Moto Q, the BlackJack looks like a slick, business device. The BlackJack boasts better ergonomics, better speed, better looks, better Bluetooth, a better camera and similarly anemic battery life (but the Samsung wins because it comes with a 2nd battery and charger module for that battery). Maybe the Q will look better in black-- we hear the Verizon Q will soon be black to compete with the Dash and BlackJack no doubt.
Why did the BlackJack earn 1/4 star more than the Dash? They're both excellent phones, and it's not an easy choice. But Cingular's much broader coverage and 3G network influenced our rating, as did the BlackJack's better ergonomics (other than d-pad and surrounding buttons). The BJ is narrow enough to use one-handed even if you have small hands, the jog wheel with action button and back button are awesome as are the totally normal volume controls. The Dash's JOGGR strip in comparison makes us want to scream, yet without it there's no easy way to control volume in call. The BJ's value added software bundle is useful and generous, while the Dash doesn't give you much beyond the basics. You need not disassemble the phone to access the MicroSD card slot.
Pro: Great looks, great ergonomics (other than the d-pad and immediate surrounding buttons). Super-fast data speeds on 3G and excellent call quality. Louder than many other GSM phones. Very good speakerphone. Good bundled software: useful apps that would cost around $100 if purchased separately. Cingular Video support is very cool. Better than average smartphone camera, strong Bluetooth, sharp display and well-spaced keyboard. The jog dial with integrated action key is excellent and we like the hardware volume controls.

Nasi Kucing a.k.a Angkringan a.k.a Hik a.k.a Koboy (Modal Rp. 1.500.000,- s/d Rp. 2.000.000,-)

Ada tiga pertanyaan tentang makan yang mewakili tipe kelas sosial dalam dunia kita.
1. makan apa kita hari ini?

2. makan di mana kita hari ini?
3. makan siapa kita hari ini?
Tebak sendiri, ditingkat mana Anda saat ini.

Susu Kedelai : Dapat Duit Dari Dapur (Modal Rp. 60.000 - Rp.100.000)

Sebenarnya, apapun dapat kita manfaatkan. (ideonair)

Salah satu peluang usaha yang mudah pemrosesannya adalah membuat susu kedelai. Sudah lama kita mengetahui bahwa kandungan susu kedelai tidak kalah dengan bahkan katanya sebanding susu sapi.

Beternak Lele (Modal Rp. 300.000 - Rp. 500.000)

Berternaklah dengan Cinta, maka engkau akan dapat balasannya. (ideonair)

ikan lele mempunyai beberapa nama daerah, antara lain: ikan kalang (Padang), ikan maut (Gayo, Aceh), ikan pintet (Kalimantan Selatan), ikan keling (Makasar), ikan cepi (Bugis), ikan lele atau lindi (Jawa Tengah). Sedang di negara lain dikenal dengan nama mali (Afrika), plamond (Thailand), ikan keli (Malaysia), gura magura (Srilangka), ca tre trang (Jepang). Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut pula catfish, siluroid, mudfish dan walking catfish. Hewan yang di Amerika Serikat disebut Cat Fish ini benar-benar berpotensi memuaskan hobi memelihara binatang dan mendatangkan pemasukan tambahan bagi Anda.

Video Latihan Michael Jackson 2 hari menjelang kematiannya

Kematian ...
Kadang dia datang diwaktu yang tak tepat (ideonair)

Bukanlah mudah menjadi seorang yang begitu tenar seperti Michael Jackson, bahkan menurut saya orang yang menempati puncak-puncak tertinggi dari sebuah karier adalah memang sudah "diciptakan", karena sepertinya dalam proses hidupnya, mereka melewati sebuah "pakem" yang hanya diperuntukkan untuk sang bintang. Banyak tokoh-tokoh fenomenal dunia yang mempunyai jalan hidup yang unik bahkan hingga akhir hidup dan kematiannya. Lihatlah Marilyn Monroe, John Lenon, Elvis Presley, Curt Cobain, Hitler, Lincoln, hingga yang saat ini menjadi berita paling hangat di dunia kematian Michael Jackson. Saya salah satu yang yakin bahwa mereka memang "dibuat".